
Werder Bremen motors on with Volkswagen

Lunes 4 de Noviembre de 2013
German Bundesliga club Werder Bremen has signed a two-year extension to its partnership with Volkswagen.

Having partnered Werder since 2008, the German automotive giant will continue as a top sponsor of the club through to 2016. Volkswagen supplies vehicles to the club and will extend this service by offering its e-Up electric car. Along with a range of marketing benefits, the new contract also grants Volkswagen naming rights to a new VIP club section at Werder’s Weser-Stadion.

Klaus Filbry, chairman of the executive board of Werder Bremen, said: “In the past five years we have implemented many activities with our strong partner Volkswagen. By providing a fleet of vehicles Volkswagen makes us mobile in every way. The contract extension again shows the importance of this cooperation.”

Volkswagen will continue alongside Targo Bank, AB InBev, Tipico and EWE on Werder’s top sponsor portfolio. The club currently sits eighth in the Bundesliga following 11 games of the new season.

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